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The Wheel of FortuneTarot card Meaning

The Wheel of Fortune card Description

The wheel of fortune is a highly symbolic card having many figures on it, holding some meaning. In the card image, there is an orange wheel having letters on it that makes 2 words "Taro" and "Rota". Taro is an old name for Tarot. Rota means wheel. In the center of the wheel, four alchemic symbols represent four fixed zodiac signs- Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. there is an angel, a lion, an eagle, and a bull on the four corners of the card as if they are guarding the world. A snake, a sphinx, and a dog surround the wheel representing The snake representing knowledge from the Tree of Good and Evil, the Sphinx represents life’s riddles, and the dog symbolizes the animalistic desires within us all. The Wheel of Fortune card represents the law of re-distribution, or Fruit of Karma, the gaining of balance and wisdom through evolution, and sudden change of luck. The Wheel of Fortune indicates a sudden change for something better- sometimes creating that in time good proves beneficial, or could be the result of past efforts. When it comes to reading that means time to get returns of your karma.

Upright card(Keywords) - luck, good fortune, destiny, dynamism, philosophy, new cycle, synchronicity,  abundance, fulfillment, a new beginning, etc.

Reverse card(Keywords) -  disruption, delays, misfortune, unpleasant surprises, etc.

Zodiac Sign - 

Element - Fire

Planet -  Jupiter

Cards in combination

When the Hermit card comes next to the wheel of fortune that means secrets revealed will bring success.

When comes next to the chariot card, it means a great trimph.

When the wheel of fortune follows the Magician's card, then it brings a happy change in profession, dwelling, or direction in life. but if the magician's card follows the wheel of fortune then the change will take longer.

When the wheel of fortune follows the Magician's card, then it brings a happy change in profession, dwelling, or direction in life. but if the magician's card follows the wheel of fortune then the change will take longer

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