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Unravel Karmic Numbers Mysteries

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Decoding Karmic Numbers: Understand Your Past Life Influences

What is a Karmic Number?

The Karmic Number- In numerology, a Karmic number refers to a number that reveals past life lessons or unresolved issues that need to be addressed in this lifetime, calculated through the reduction of the consonants in your name It describes secret fear, hopes, and desire and fantasies of a person. It also represents the mysteries of the unknown. It describes the individual that they are on a subconscious level. This number also has the odd quality of describing how others might see you as a first impression. The Karmic number guides us on what to do to correct our actions from previous life. This number also helps an individual to know what to do so that you can reap what you sow in this life. The karmic number also indicates specific areas where a person may face challenges, that require effort and awareness to overcome. Karmic numbers often highlight the need for personal growth, learning, and transformation to balance out past life energies.

In numerology, the most commonly recognized Karmic Numbers are 13, 14, 16, and 19. Each of these numbers carries a distinct vibrational energy and signifies specific lessons an individual needs to learn.

In numerology, the Karmic Number derived from a person's full name is often calculated using consonants. This method focuses on the vibrational energy of the consonants in the name, which are believed to reveal past life lessons and challenges. Here’s how to calculate it:

  1. Write Out Your Full Name: Use your full birth name (first, middle, and last name) as it appears on your birth certificate.

  2. Identify the Consonants: List all the consonants in your full name. For example, in the name "John Doe," the consonants are J, H, N, and D.

  3. Assign Numerical Values: Use the numerology chart to assign numerical values to each consonant.

    1- A, I, J, Q, Y

    2- B, K, R

    3- C, G, L, S

    4- D, M, T

    5- E, H, N, X

    6- U, V, W

    7- O, Z

    8- F, P

  4. For example, using "John Doe":

    J = 1, H = 5, N = 5, D = 8

  5. Add the Values Together: Sum the numerical values of all the consonants in your full name. For "John Doe":

    1 (J) + 5 (H) + 5 (N) + 8 (D) = 19

  6. Reduce to a Single Digit or Karmic Number: If the sum is a double-digit number that’s not a Karmic Number (13, 14, 16, 19), and angel Number (11, 22, 33), add the digits together until you get a single digit. In the example: 19 is already a Karmic Number, so no further reduction is needed.

Here's what each Karmic Number typically represents:

Karmic number 1 – This number can improve their Karma by concentrating less on their aims and helping and showing others the way to their success, or being a mentor, it can help them to make decisions about their own life The biggest fear of this number is ignorance. When they meet with someone for the first time, they appear controlling and selfish.  


Karmic number 2 – Their best way to reap their karmas is they love and take care of themselves, this will enable them to love and take care of others without guilt, or sacrificing their dignity and self-esteem. Their biggest fear is abandonment. In their first impression, they seem like needy or manipulative individuals.


Karmic Number 3 – They must do creative things they love and enjoy most money will come. Sometimes this number may have this feeling that the world owes them a living, then go out and practice kindness and charity to humble themselves. The feeling of being smothered, bored and trapped is their biggest fear. They may appear meddlesome or threatening sometimes in their first impression.


Karmic Number 4 – People with this Karmic number are good caretakers but before caring for others, first they should take some time out and find peace and harmony within themselves by practising meditation or yoga. Their biggest fear is chaos and that things will slip out or slide into disorder. They may appear boring or fanatical in their first impression.


Karmic Number 5 – They can improve their karma by sharing or sacrificing their spotlight for others once in a blue moon, no matter how untalented they may appear. They must learn to avoid judging or criticizing people around them because everybody has a right to express themselves without judgment or criticism. They shouldn’t boast and learn to be humble to improve their karma. They may appear judgmental and egoistic in their first impression.


Karmic Number 6 – They can attract good fortune, if they do what others do for them in other words, they must learn to return the favour. They can improve their karma if they can give up the idea that they should save their love for that one special person and treat everyone they meet the same way they treat their soul mate. They fear that others will take credit for their work. They may appear social climber or take others for granted in their first impression.


Karmic Number 7 - People born with this Karmic Number can improve their karma by helping those, they consider to be contemptible in behaviour, sometimes snobbishness can also be their problem. They must learn to overcome their fear of abandonment and letting go. They may appear too complicated or neurotic to get to know well in their first impression.


Karmic Number 8 – They can improve their karma by having faith in themselves and working diligently to accomplish their goals by thinking about others and what they will think. People born with this karmic number are wealthy, they reap what they sow. They can also improve their karma by denoting 10% of their income to charities. Their biggest fear is poverty. They may appear greedy or shallow individual in their first impression.


Karmic Number 9- They can improve their karma by detaching themselves from emotions, continuous enthusiasm, and a positive mindset. They must believe that the universe is benevolent. Their biggest fear is that they are not the person who can be trustworthy, and they also don’t trust people easily. They may appear desperate to seek approval or as passive-aggressive in their first impression.


Karmic Number 11- People born under this karmic number can reap their karma by trusting and following their intuition rather than, their rational minds. They must learn to have faith and trust in other people in other people. These people can manifest whatever they think, be it negative or positive. They fear that there is no god. They may appear flaky and eccentric in their first impression.


Karmic Number 22- They can be successful if they learn to control the thoughts that rule their subconscious mind. This Number can manifest anything. If these people keep their thought process positive, they can do well, and if they think negatively, they will manifest negatively further creating roadblocks to their prosperity. Their fear is letting down others. They may appear very positive and others see them as leaders or mentors.

Karmic Number 33-Individuals with this number may face challenges related to overwhelming responsibility and self-sacrifice. Their key lesson is to balance their own needs with their desire to help others. Positive traits include compassion, vision, and dedication, while challenges may involve neglecting personal needs and setting boundaries. Embracing their role and focusing on spiritual growth can help them fulfil their potential.

Karmic Number 13-Associated with laziness and the misuse of power in past lives, this number suggests the need to overcome procrastination and develop a strong work ethic. Individuals with this Karmic Number may face obstacles and delays but are encouraged to stay disciplined and persistent.

Karmic Number 14-Linked to overindulgence and lack of moderation, this number indicates a need for self-control and balance. Those with this Karmic Number may experience fluctuations and instability, urging them to develop a sense of responsibility and restraint.

Karmic Number 16-Often is related to ego and misuse of love or trust, this number highlights the importance of humility and self-awareness. It suggests that individuals need to learn from their past mistakes, particularly those involving relationships and personal integrity.

Karmic Number 19-This number is associated with issues of independence and misuse of power, often suggesting past selfishness or abuse of authority. It calls for learning the value of cooperation and humility, encouraging individuals to become more compassionate and considerate of others.

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