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Uncovering the Mysteries of Numerology: Exploring the Traits and Properties of Numbers

Updated: Jun 23

Image showcasing the numbers 1 through 9 with corresponding traits and properties for each, representing the principles of numerology.
Discover the unique properties and traits of numbers.

Numerology-Traits and Properties of numbers

In Our last blog, we talked about Numerology and numbers 1 to 9. Numerology takes numbers from 1 to 9 but there are other numbers too, like, 10 to 31 of every month. These numbers are made up of two numbers. All the numbers have negative and positive traits. We have explained the positive and negative traits of the numbers 1 to 9. Other numbers also have negative and positive traits.

Traits and Properties of Numbers

In Numerology, the day of the month is also known as the personality, luck, or character number. All the numbers have properties and traits. If the birth number is single like all the numbers from 1 to 9 of any month, in the same way, other numbers from 1 to 31 also have personality and traits. People born under these numbers have negative and positive qualities of these numbers, and those who are born on the dates from 10 to 31 of any month, carry the qualities of both numbers in their birth date. For example, a person born 12th of any month that person will have all the negative and positive traits of the numbers 1 and 2. We know all the traits of numbers 1 to 9. Here is the list of the personality traits of all the numbers (10-31). In this blog, we will discover the traits and properties of all the numbers.


Numerology- Traits and properties of Numbers 10, 19, 28

Number 10

  • Positive Traits(- proactive, positive-attitude, energetic, dignity.

  • Negative traits- hasty, sloppy, bossy, ingratitude, overbearing.

Number 19

  • Positive Traits- Leadership, self-confidence, Karisma, Vitality, enthusiasm

  • Negative traits- Arrogance, selfishness, overconfidence, flippancy, rebellious

Number 28

  • Positive Traits- a leader, willpower, self-confidence, originality, and stamina

  • Negative traits- cold, unfeeling, workaholic, domineering, obsessive

The properties of numbers 10, 19, and 28 will be the same as the properties of number 1 because if we add these two-digit numbers, we will get 1.

Zodiac Sign-Leo

Friend Numbers- 9, 2, 5, 6, 3, 1

Non-Friend Numbers-8

Nuteral-4, 7

Alphabet-A, I, J, Q, Y

Color-Pink, Orange




Numerology- Traits and properties of Numbers 11, 20, 29

Number 11

  • Positive Traits- imaginative, idealistic, persuasive, spiritual, intuitive

  • Negative traits- procrastination, sloth, sarcasm, laziness, temperamental

Number 29

  • Positive Traits- idealistic, creative, intuitive, analytic, a “people person”

  • Negative traits- lack of follow through, pessimism, self-indulgent, unrealistic, impractical.


  • Positive Traits- humorous sympathetic, charming, affectionate, imaginative.

  • Negative traits- sarcasm, self-pity, critical, irrational, expectations, unrealistic

The properties of numbers 11, 20, and 29 will be the same as the properties of number 2 because if we add these two-digit numbers, we will get 2. Here we have master number 11, usually, we don't reduce this number to a single digit but to reach on conclusion it has to be added. This number has its personality.

Zodiac Sign-Cancer

Friend Numbers- 2, 5, 7, 3, 1

Non-Friend Numbers-8, 4, 9

Nuteral-6, 7

Alphabet-B, K, R

Color-White, Cream

Direction-North West




Numerology- Traits and properties of Numbers 12, 21, 30

Number 12

  • Positive Traits- energetic, enthusiastic, generous, charismatic

  • Negative traits-irresponsible, impractical, fanatical, unfocused, selfishness

Number 21

  • Positive Traits- versatile, energetic, easy-going charismatic, good conversationalist

  • Negative traits- lack of focus, restlessness, over-sensitive, glib, unreliable

Number 30

  • Positive Traits- charisma, wit, mimicry, writing ability, expressiveness

  • Negative traits- self-centred, drama queen, lack of focus, dreaminess, laziness

The properties of numbers 12, 21, and 30 will be the same as the properties of number 3 because if we add these two-digit numbers, we will get 3.

Zodiac Sign-Pisces, Sagittarius


Friend Numbers- 7, 5, 3, 1

Non-Friend Numbers-6

Nuteral-7, 4, 8, 9, 2

Alphabet-C, J, L, S

Colour- Yellow

Direction-North East

Stone-Yellow Sapphire


Numerology- Traits and properties of Numbers 13, 22, 31

Number 13

  • Positive traits- sincerity, honesty, determination, stamina, detailed

  • Negative traits-workaholic, repression, resentful, intolerant, compulsive

Number 22

  • Positive Traits- pragmatism, genuine, powerful intuition, idealism, creativity

  • Negative traits- nervousness, workaholic, rigidity, fanatical, stubborn

Number 31

  • Positive Traits- energetic, dependable, reliable, perceptive, detail-oriented

  • Negative traits- unimaginative, overly, serious, over-sensitivity, insecurity, compulsive 

The properties of numbers 13, 22, and 31 will be the same as the properties of number 4 because if we add these two-digit numbers, we will get the number 4. Here we have master number 22, usually, we don't reduce this number to a single digit but to reach on conclusion it has to be added. This number has its personality. In Vedic astrology, no zodiac is assigned to the number 4.

Zodiac Sign-


Friend Numbers- 7, 5, 6, 1, 4, 8

Non-Friend Numbers-2, 9


Alphabet-D, M, T


Direction-South West



Numerology- Traits and properties of Numbers 14, 23


  • Positive Traits-cooperative, versatile, organized, analytical, curious

  • Negative traits-impatience, restlessness, rebellious, irresponsible, promise-breaker

Number 23

  • Positive Traits- charismatic, inquisitiveness, persuasive, charming, witty

  • Negative traits- restlessness, easily get bored, impatience, disloyalty, shallow

The properties of numbers 14, and 23 will be the same as the properties of number 5 because if we add these two-digit numbers, we will get number 5.

Zodiac-Gemini, Virgo


Friend Numbers- 1, 2, 3, 6, 5

Non-Friend Numbers-2, 9

Nuteral-4, 7, 8, 9

Alphabet-E, H, N, X



Stone-green Emerald


Numerology- Traits and properties of Numbers 15, 24

Number 15

  • Positive Traits-nurturing, domestic, understanding, artistic, generous

  • Negative traits- co-dependency, resistance to change, stubborn, manipulative, needy

Number 24

  • Positive Traits- team player, affectionate, loving, diplomatic

  • Negative traits- obsessive, workaholic, fearful, self-pity, Smothering

The properties of numbers 15 and 26 will be the same as the properties of number 6 because if we add these two-digit numbers, we will get the number 6.

Zodiac-Taurus and Libra


Friend Numbers - 1, 7, 4, 6, 5

Non-Friend Numbers - 3

Neutral - 2, 8, 9

Alphabet-U, V, W


Direction-Soth East



Numerology- Traits and properties of Numbers 16, 25


  • Positive Traits- technically brilliant, innovative, creative, analytical, original

  • Negative traits- emotional repression, misanthropy, irrationality, cynicism, coldness

Number 25

  • Positive Traits- logical, intuitive, rational, responsible, perfectionist

  • Negative traits- inflexibility, paranoia, introversion, misanthropy, obsessive

The properties of numbers 16, and 25 will be the same as the properties of number 7 because if we add these two-digit numbers, we will get the number 7.



Friend Numbers - 1, 4, 3, 6, 5

Non-Friend Numbers-2, 9

Nuteral-2, 3, 7, 8, 9

Alphabet-O, Z



Stone-Cats eye

Numerology- Traits and properties of Numbers 17, 26


  • Positive Traits-optimistic, organized, pragmatic, shrewd, good business sense

  • Negative traits- lack of follow through, shallow, self-conscious, materialistic, greedy

Number 26

  • Positive Traits- sociable, cooperative, charming, efficient, ambitious.

  • Negative traits- manipulative, shallow, materialistic, greedy, exaggerated things

The properties of numbers 17, and 26 will be the same as the properties of number 8 because if we add these two-digit numbers, we will get the number 8.

Zodiac-Aquarius and Capricorn


Friend Numbers - 3, 4, 6, 5, 7, 8

Non-Friend Numbers- 9, 6, 7

Nuteral-4, 1, 8, 2

Alphabet-F, P



Stone-Blue Sapphire

Numerology- Traits and properties of Numbers 18, 27


  • Positive Traits-creative, humanitarian, philanthropic, generous, broad-minded.

  • Negative traits- drama kings/queens, Co-dependency, martyr, complex, fickle mind, low self-esteem.

Number 27

  • Positive Traits- humanistic, philosophical, broadminded, tolerant, and generous.

  • Negative traits- nervous, linear thinker easily frustrated, stubborn, fanatical.

The properties of numbers 18, and 27 will be the same as the properties of number 9 because if we add these two-digit numbers, we will get the number 9.

Zodiac-Aries and Scorpio


Friend Numbers - 1, 5

Non-Friend Numbers- 2, 4, 9

Nuteral-3, 7, 6, 8, 9






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