Planets and Disease
According to science "Planet is a celestial body that is in orbit around the sun, has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body force so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium shape, and has cleared the neighbourhood around it. In astrology, Planets are considered as live entities, that affect an individual's life, according to their placement in an individual's chart. Like houses in the chart, planets are also associated with some diseases or in other words they govern the human body. The human body is divided into all the 9 planets. Every planet rules some parts of the human body. In the same way, zodiac signs and houses also rule human body parts. The Zodiac Signs are the group of stars that form a shape. Diseases happen related to the body parts that the house zodiac, and planet rule. Weak planet, house, zodiac, or any of it is afflicted then disease can happen.
Planets-Body Parts and Diseases
Zodiac Signs and Body Parts
1. Aries-> Body Parts->Head, Brain, Face
2. Taurus-> Body Parts->Throat, Neck, Lips
3. Gemini-> Body Parts->Lungs, Hands, Arms
4. Cancer-> Body Parts->Stomach, Breasts, Chest, Ribs,
5. Leo-> Body Parts->Heart, Sack, Spine, forearms
6. Virgo-> Body Parts->Intestines, Lower spine, Fingers, spleen
7. libra-> Body Parts->Kidneys, skin, Lumbar region
8. Scorpio-> Body Parts->Bladder, Anus, Nose, Appendix
9. Sagittarius-> Body Parts->Hips, Thighs, Nerves, Arteries
10. Capricorn-> Body Parts->Knees, Joints, teeth, skin
11. Aquarius-> Body Parts->Legs, Ankles, Circulation of Blood
12. Pisces-> Body Parts->Feet, Toes, Lymphatic system
The Sun
The sun is the Lord of the Zodiac Sign The Leo. It is Exalted in The Aries Zodiac sign at 10 degrees and Debilitated in The Zodiac Sign Libra at 10 degrees. In Medical astrology, the Sun gives bones, eyes, heart, bone, acidity, pit, the head part which we can touch, neuro problems, migraine, headache, fever, and immunity-related issues. The Sun is strong in the 1st, 5th, and 9th house in a horoscope. Sun gives disease if it is in 6th, 8th, and 12th house or conjunct, or aspect by Shani, Rahu, and Ketu. If The Sun is placed well in the Kundli/Horoscope then it will have good results related to it and the house.
The Moon
The moon is the Lord of the Zodiac Sign The Cancer. It is Exalted in The Taurus Zodiac sign at 3 degrees and Debilitated in The Zodiac Sign Scorpio at 3 degrees. In Medical astrology, Moon gives sleep, lungs, cold, cough, mind(maan), emotions, mental and psychological disorders, water-related disease, TB, asthma, and breathing. It is also the causative planet of Kapha and Vayu. The Moon is strong in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 9th house in the horoscope. Moon gives problems if it is placed in the 6th, 8th, and 12th house, or if it is placed with Rahu, Ketu, and Saturn, or aspected by them.
The Mars
Mars is lord of two Zodiac Signs, Aries and Scorpio. It is exalted in The Capricorn at 28 degrees and debilitated at 28 degrees in The Cancer. Mars gives Accidents, Wounds, Blood-related issues, High or low blood pressure, Bleeding, Acidic burns Abortion, muscles, operation, etc. related issues. Mars gives health issues if placed in the 4th and 8th house or it is placed with Rahu, Ketu, and Saturn or aspected by them.
The Jupiter
Jupiter is lord of The Zodiac Signs, Sagittarius and Pisces, and it is strong in the 2nd, 5th, 4th, 9th, and 12th house in the horoscope. It is exalted in Cancer at 5 degrees and debilitated in Capricorn at 5 degrees. Jupiter gives fat in the body, liver, kidney, digestive system, diabetes, asthma, thyroid, breathing, etc. related issues. it gives a problem if placed in the 6th or 8th house or with Rahu, Ketu, and Saturn, or aspected by them.
The Venus
Venus is lord of the two Zodiac Signs Taurus and Libra and it is strong in the 2nd, 7th, and 12th house. It is exalted in The Pisces at 27 degrees and debilitated in The Virgo at 27 degrees. Venus gives Child birth-related problems, sexual organ disease, sperm related, skin, pimple, cheeks, hairs, kidneys, etc. related issues. Venus gives health problems if placed in the 6th or 8th house or with Rahu, Ketu, and Saturn or aspected by them.
The Mercury
Mercury is lord of The Zodiac Signs Gemini and Virgo and it is strong in the 6th and 7th house. It is exalted in Virgo at 15 degrees and debilitated in Pisces at 15 degrees. It has no effect of its own and it becomes what it is with. It gives Speech, loss of memory, seizures, chickenpox, skin, brain problems, Intelligence, throat, nose, ears. It is considered neutral and gives results according to the planets that sit with it. It gives health-related issues if placed in 8th and 12th house or with Rahu and Ketu, or aspected by them.
The Saturn
Saturn is the son of the Sun and is also considered a judge and slow planet. It is considered. It is lord of two Zodiac Signs Capricorn and Aquarius. It is exalted in Libra at 20 degrees and debilitated in The Aries at 20 degrees. It gives sickness, legs, nerves in the feet, and tiredness-related issues. Saturn will create long diseases with a combination of other planets only. Shani + Rahu = Cancer and Saturn= ketu + Ang bhng.
The Rahu
Rahu is a shadow and devil planet like The Ketu and is very important in Astrology. In more than 90% of horoscopes, the problem is caused by Rahu and Ketu only. The zodiac Sign assigned to it is The Virgo. It is exalted in Gemini at 15 degrees and debilitated in Sagittarius at 15 degrees. It gives chronic diseases, stones in the kidney, intestine, depression, allergy, sleeping disorder, brain-related issues. It is good in the 3rd, 6th house. it gives health issues if placed in 2nd, 8th, 9th, or 12th house or it is with any good planets like sun, moon, mars or with Saturn.
The Ketu
Ketu is a shadow and devil planet like Rahu and very important in Astrology. The Pisces Zodiac Sign is assigned to it. It is exalted in Sagittarius at 15 degrees and debilitated in Gemini at 15 degrees. It is considered Moksha Karaka. it gives stammering, urine, occult, urine, prostate, blockages, piles, etc. related issues. Ketu gives health issues if placed in 3rd, 6th, and 8th house or with any good planet like Sun, Moon, and, Mars or with Saturn.
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