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Greh Drishti/Planetary aspect


Greh Drishti/Planetary aspect has an important place in both Indian and Western astrology.  In Indian astrology, there is also a method of measuring the Drishti/planetary aspect.  Drishti has a major part in increasing or reducing auspicious or inauspicious effects.  Sometimes Drishti/aspect increases the auspicious effect, if there is an inauspicious effect, it reduces it, and sometime Drishti/aspect produces inauspicious effects.  If there is an auspicious effect where they are falling, then they reduce their auspiciousness completely or partially.  


 A planet is one that emits light from the Sun.  All the planets and satellites in the solar system are illuminated by the Sun.  Sun is not a planet from the point of view of astronomy.  He is a star illuminated by his own light.  As a result, it has been considered a planet.  Astu, when sunlight falls on a planet, it reflects that light by including its texture and the qualities of the environment around it. 


 The Drishti/aspect of some planets gives auspicious effects and some have negative effects.  In order to know which is of auspicious effect and which is of inauspicious effect, the planets in astrology have been addressed with Amrit Rashmi and Vish Rashmi.  Planets are divided into these two categories.  These can be called POSITIVE and NEGATIVE.  In Shadbal, positive is indicated by the (+) sign and negative by the (-) sign.

The Drishti/aspect of Jupiter, Venus, bright half moon, and auspicious effect of Mercury is considered positive (auspicious).  The Drishti/Aspect of the Sun, Mars, Saturn, weak moon, and malefic Mercury is said to be negative (inauspicious).  Positive (+) sight will give an auspicious effect wherever it falls, negative (-) sight will give an inauspicious effect.  By these rules, the drishti bal is measured, which is given in Shadbal Ganit.  In astrology, the aspects of some planets are considered to be more effective, and some are less, like Jupiter's aspect is best in giving auspicious effects, while Saturn's aspect is very powerful in inauspicious effects.  Venus is also very effective in giving auspiciousness. In astronomy, the magnetic field and reflection power of a planet are called ALBEDO.  If this is understood what percentage of each planet is, then it will be easy to understand the effect of Drishti/aspect. that goes:- Moon - 7% Guru - 43% Mars – 16% Venus - 76%  Mercury - 6% Saturn - 61%

Rule of Drishti/aspect

Whose change percentage is more in the result astrology, their vision will be more effective in the same proportion. That vision can be positive or negative. This is what has given more importance to the aspect of Jupiter or Shani in astrology. A Hindu does not do any auspicious work if Jupiter or Venus sets, even if Moon or Mercury is auspicious. When the Earth is deprived of the nectar rays of Jupiter (43%) and Venus (76%), then what auspiciousness will the 6+7=13% rays of Mercury-Moon give? 16+69=77% inauspicious rays of Mars and Saturn will become effective

Now let's see what is the rule for the formation of Drishti/aspect.  The man mainly looks in front.  He also has a limited field of view (angle) to his sides, and cannot see backward.  So does the planet.  All the planets are round solid bodies.  There is also a boundary area for the sunlight falling on them to be reflected and fall on other places.  The sky is 360 degrees as in every circle, Kundli is the map of the sky of birth time.  According to the opinion of Indian astrology, no one gives vision within 30 degrees from the place where the planet is in the front.  Thus the area of ​​30 + 60=90 degrees is beyond the sight of the planet.  That's why 360-90=270 degrees is the field of vision of 270 degrees.  It starts at 30 degrees and ends at 300. It is well known that every planet gives full vision to the seventh house from itself.  Seventh place means right in front of the place where the planet is located. This rule of vision is applicable to all planets.  But Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn whose orbit (ORBIT) is above the Earth's orbit and which are called Superior Planets because of their position in the sky have two moreDrishti/ visions.  They are like this.

Mars- 4th (60 degrees-120 degrees) and 8th  ( 210 degrees – 240 degrees) Drishti

Jupiter- 5th  (120 degrees-150 degrees) and 9th  ( 240 degrees-270 degrees) Drishti,

Saturn- 3rd (60 degrees- 90 degrees) and 10th,   and ( 270 degrees to 300 degrees)  


As given above no planet can have drishti/aspect beyond 300 degrees.


Man can see the object (scene) right in front of him most clearly and sees in full.  The side view of it is visible though.  But not as completely as the front.  Similarly, the more effective rays the planet concentrates right in front of itself (at 180), not the places around it, there comes a limit where its rays do not fall at all.  That's why every planet has a seventh vision (180) and it is called full vision. The basis of the name of the formative (in the unit of the text) force of Drik Bal is that where the rays of the planet are exerting influence, its shadbal is more, where there is less influence, there is a mathematical rule for this, which is as follows -


Greh Drishti/ Planetary aspect means focusing the rays of a solid celestial body at a certain angle.  Every planet gives complete vision at 180.  Due to their position in the sky, Mars, Guru, and Saturn can give one vision each below 160 and one vision each above 180. In this way, two more visions can be given.  Where more rays are concentrated their Shadbal/ strength is more and where it is less their Shadbal strength is less.  It becomes zero after reaching a limit.


 As we know that there are two types of vision here, auspicious and inauspicious.  They have positive and negative effects.  With the help of natural auspicious planets – Guru Venus, strong moon (from Ashtami of Shukla Paksha to Ashtami of Krishna Paksha, Moon is strong in rays) and positive effect of Mercury (+) and Sun, Saturn, Mars weak, Moon  And the vision of Mercury of inauspicious effect is negative (-), we can calculate Drishti bal in Shadbal. Vedic astrology doesn’t consider Drishti shadbal of Rahu & Ketu because it is not a solid celestial body. The aspect of an inauspicious planet will be negative.  The method of extracting vision power is as follows-

The seeing planet is called Drishta.  The planet and Bhav/house on which it has Drishti/aspect are called Drishya. 


Drishti sambhand/Aspect relationship


Planetary aspect/greh Drishti can have the following possibilities


Possibility 1 – When two planets are placed 7th from each other – In this the sun-Mercury, Sun-Venus, and Venus-Mercury don’t have this possibility but are possible between other planets. This is called planetary competition. It can also be between 2 or more planets. Here both planets influence each other. A new effect is created by the mutual meeting of the rays. The meeting of the positive rays of two auspicious planets will give rise to an auspicious effect and the meeting of negative rays of two inauspicious planets will give rise to an inauspicious effect. For Example- if Kiran Bali chandrma/ moon and Jupiter are placed 7th from each other in the horoscope and have no negative influence on them, then the effect will be auspicious and if there is a negative influence then it reduces the auspicious. - if Mars and Saturn are placed 7th from each other in the horoscope then the negative effect will be created and if there is a positive influence on them, then it reduces the inauspiciousness. Sun- Saturn, Venus-Mars will create the same inauspicious effect. Guru-Venus and Sun-Mars create an auspicious effect.

Possibility 2 - When planet “a” is giving Drishti/aspect to planet “b” but planet “b” is not giving Drishti or aspect to the planet “a”- if planet  “a” is auspicious and planet “b” is inauspicious then auspiciousness of the planet “b” will be reduced and vice-versa.  For example, Jupiter giving the 5th and 9th drishti/aspect to Saturn will reduce the inauspiciousness of Saturn. Though the combination of Saturn and Jupiter creates Karmadidharmadhi yoga still it is not considered a good combination. In the kundli below Jupiter is in the 4th house and from there it gives its 5th and 9th Drishti/aspect to the 8th and 12th house respectively. Planet can be in any house.


Possibility 3 – Planet Giving aspect to empty Bhav/House- In this planet giving Drishti/aspect to an empty house means there is no planet. The planet Will give auspicious or inauspicious effects to the Karak tatva/causative elements of Bhava according to their nature. Mars and Saturn are inauspicious planets but their Drishti/aspect on their own house will be auspicious. Saturn’s aspect on Aquarius and Capricorn and Mars’s aspect on Aries and Scorpio will be auspicious. In the kundli below Jupiter is in the 4th house and giving the 9th Drishti/aspect to the 12th house which is empty or there is no planet.


Possibility 4 – When the planets are giving aspect to each other even though are not 7th from each other-this happens only between Mars and Saturn. When Saturn is placed 4th from the Mars and 1oth aspect of Saturn on mars, this condition is considered inauspicious but not much. In the horoscope below Mars is placed in the 4th house and from there Saturn is in the 7th house fourth Drishti of Mars. From Saturn Mars is placed in the 4th house which is 10 Drishti of Saturn.


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